
Somehow I feel as though I want to spend the rest of April just existing and keeping to myself. I don’t feel like chit chatting or indulging in other people’s lives. For some reason, I want April all by myself.

Some peace and quiet, a little relaxation to help clear my mind up and just do other things. Is it normal though? To feel this way? To not have to explain yourself?

Nothing major has happened, I just got back from the holiday of my dreams yet some part of me feels restless. Maybe I’m in over my head about this but I really just want to chill.

I haven’t felt this way before, it’s unusual. I’ve lately been thinking a lot of an ex and don’t find that very healthy. Today however, I tried something new, while brushing I thought of a few things I’m grateful for today. And it felt nice.

I’m grateful to babysit the little one, to watch tv with the family, to garden and simply to clean up and being able to see the moon, admire the roses that bloomed- so much in just one day. Makes it feel as though the day was well spent too!

Im also thinking of how my friends friend invited me for his birthday.. a little unusual since it seemed like he has a tight knit inner circle, you wouldn’t invite simply anyone for your birthday would you?

When I politely declined, I also sensed a little disappointment in the text.. sometimes I ignore my gut but in the end my gut always turns out to be right! I’m not sure if the invitation is supposed to mean anything.. or does it?

He’s nice, he’s cute but a little dispersed emotionally.. I’ve given up on the dating apps to, let me just bump into my Prince Charming at a traffic signal or at the post office! Make it simple for me!!

Let’s see how April ends.. each day so much happens, so it’s only a matter of time. Haven’t done too much of embroidery either, maybe tomorrow would be a good day to get started!

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